Last week we were truly blessed by the revival services we had here. Starting Monday night Aaron opened with some thoughts of "Remembering our Creator in the days of our youth."
Phil Gish gave powerful messages from the book of Romans through the week nights, finishing up Sunday morning with a message to the fathers and their role in the home.

Tuesday thru Thursday night Kurt Rolle opened with many good thoughts from the Word of God. Starting the first night out with the importance of appreciating the parents God has given us.
Phil Gish gave powerful messages from the book of Romans through the week nights, finishing up Sunday morning with a message to the fathers and their role in the home.

Tuesday thru Thursday night Kurt Rolle opened with many good thoughts from the Word of God. Starting the first night out with the importance of appreciating the parents God has given us.

It was a blessing to watch Phil and Wismith work together. Wismith did a wonderful job of translating the messages to his people at a level they could understand.

For us as missionaries, to hear these messages in our own language was truly living water to dry and thirsty souls. God is the fountain of life of which to draw from. Sometimes, it seems we allow ourselves to dry up and need that continual refreshing that only He can pour out. For the Haitians, they were eager as they learned new insights from the gospel. They appreciated hearing from somebody that didn't even know the struggles they face every day and yet understood what their real need was.

Their were different singing groups throughout the week. Here Jayla, Kenslie, and Jonathan Rolle sing "In Christ Alone"

Andy Eversole got to live out his dream this last week-to give devotions in Creole. He led out Friday thru Sunday as he stepped right up there into the culture and shouted, Alleluia! and other greetings in the Creole language. He had good feedback from the Haitians as they listened.

One day last week, we got to finish a fencing project around the little village in Le Roux. Here is where we learn to work together. It takes many believers working together, all using their different gifts, for one common goal. Helping people see their need for Jesus and helping them along the journey.
It was rewarding to see a couple people come up after service to dedicate and rededicate their life to the Lord. Pastor Voltaire prayed with them and then allowed them to share their heart.
Thanks for your prayers thru this last week. Continue the prayers.
Pray for the believers, that they will take what they have learned and apply in their lives. .
And that they would have a passion to have a closer relationship with their Savior.
Pray for the ones that spoke. That Satan would not make them have doubts or in anyway throw fiery darts at them.
Pray for the missionaries here, that we would have a greater desire to love souls and that we would be willing
to do whatever He asks of us to further His kingdom.
God is awesome!! Im so thrill to see what all He has store for more Haitians that need him!!!