Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Our family did our first hike up the mountain to Pays Pourri last Wednesday.
Here is Kenslie, Aaron, Jayla, and Ellen came along too.

As hard as the hike is, it is just beautiful up there!
 The mountain people are a whole other culture of people, very simple. They are very friendly, and it is fun to meet people along the trail. 

After 3 hrs. we made it up to a friends house, Jotasse and his family. It felt good to sit for awhile. 

Jotasse was going to take us the rest of the way where the seminar was. But they wanted to serve us some food first, this is their culture here. Very warm hospitality.
They served us something we had never had before. Very good!
It tasted somewhat like hot applesauce. Was similar to a cornmeal mush sweetened a little, with cinnamon and a little milk.  

We then headed on for another 20 mins or so to our final destination. Kenslie wasn't feeling too well that day and was glad for any breaks she could get. Rylan wasn't in any of our pictures because he thought we were too slow, so he was ahead all the time with one of his Haitian friends. :)

This is the leadership training seminar at Eralus' school up in Pays-Pourri. Very inspiring to see so many eager learners of the Word and willing teachers, (some missionaries here and a couple from the States came especially for this time). Here is Mike Martin and a native Haitian wrapping up their teaching session. 

A view from the school, at the small house below the woman is cooking. 

Here is Andy Eversole teaching and Wismith is translating. They had 2 classes, one for the literate and one for the illiterate. 

Here are some of the Haitian cooks, they would make rice and beans with a sauce for the noon meal. 
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