Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blessed Easter

So it's Easter week....What does this mean for each one of us?

For some; they think of the easter bunny or having something new to wear, chocolate eggs (wow does this ever sound good), or does it have more meaning for us?

It should. Because this time we celebrate what our Saviour did for each one of us. He died for me! Christ gave his only son for me! Let's Praise Him together!

Here in Haiti some take this opportunity to celebrate with what they call the "rah, rah" . So I asked one of our Haitian friends is this bad? No, he said it's not Christian, but it's not voodoo either. Others say it does have to do with voodoo. After reading up on this some this is what it meant to us.

Rah-Rahs are a form of musical street processions typically performed during the week of Easter using trumpets, drums, bells and whistles. Voodoo priests and all the voodoo followers of that town will join the procession dressed in colorful clothing and head dressing. Although the ceremony seems innocent enough, even interesting to watch, it is deeply rooted in the Satanic culture and is no place for a Christian.

We also have the opportunity to go to the revival meetings they are holding at church this week. Last night they talked about the cross (of course we only got a small part of it hearing it in Creole). But it's exciting to see a group of people taking this time and celebrating it for what it really is.

Each one of us made him suffer on that cross, so let's thank Him and rejoice that He is Risen!

Have a blessed Easter week .......... We love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I've been struggling this week with "Easter" after having a conversation with a friend. They have turned completely away from the holiday because of it's pagan roots and refuse to even call it "Easter" choosing instead to call it Resurrection Sunday. My boys love to hunt eggs, something I always thought was innocent enough without an imaginary bunny hiding them (sometimes they will even hide them for themselves). It's interesting to look at something we've celebrated for so long (our whole lives) and see it as something less than the sweet memories and meaning it has for us. Similar to your friend not thinking the "rah rah" was bad - to him there is probably no voodoo involved but the origins of it are dark and sadistic. Wonder if this is satan's intention, to get us to love our holidays celebrations and see them as innocent? Wish I could just send you some chocolate eggs! Love you & miss you!
