The last month of our stay in Haiti was probably my most fulfilling. Redeemed Vocational School had its first class in basic computer operation. We taught three weeks on using Windows 7 and two weeks on Microsoft Word and one week preparing and giving an exam.
I had asked for a class of 10 students, but ended up with 17 eager learners.
We were blessed to have funds donated to purchase 10 modern laptop computers.
Wismith studies before each class to present a devotion to challenge the students in their faith.
The day of the exam, the students put in some last minute cram sessions.
The exam was made up of both a written portion....
and a practical hands on portion.
Most of the students past with flying colors.
The last day, we had a party to celebrate all the hard work our students put in. Here we presented the scores to everyone that participated in the class.
The students presented Wendy and me with a handmade wooden globe to show their appreciation.
Please join us in praying for Wismith's vision of equipping the youth of Fond Parisien with both vocational and spiritual aptitudes that will help them have a prosperous future.