Sunday, June 24, 2012

Field trip day

Last Friday our family took the 6th grade class from the IFM school on a field trip.

There was about 55 children and 3 teachers. Other than leaving 2 1/2 hrs. late and sitting in lots of traffic our day was fairly uneventful.We were impressed that the kids were well behaved as this would have been the first time for many of them to go into Port-Au-Prince.

Our first stop was to a large clothing factory where they make the Cinta uniforms for the States. (the only place we took pictures) They did a great job at accommodating us as they had us take our lunches to an air-conditioned meeting room. There they also served us pastries, cookies, and drinks. Many of the mothers of these children got up very early to prepare them a special lunch for this special day.

After that, we drove past the Palace and to a Haitian History museum. The museum was very interesting.

Our last stop was to an American-style grocery store. This was interesting to watch the kids and see what they chose to buy. For some it was fruit and for others cookies and cake. They are used to buying in the outdoor markets and little boutiques, so this was a new experience for most of them.

Here they are packed out in the lunch room


We had a great tour-guide that made our tour very interesting. Her Dad helped start this business.This was a good for the children to see a place with so much job opportunity here in Haiti.

Here is where they load the boxed products to the States. These ones were going to Wal-mart. And yes, Rylan got a Haitian-style haircut. :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Are we moved with pity, or true Christ-like compassion?

This is the question we need to ask ourselves....

As we came here for the first time in January of 2010, we arrived about 45 mins. before the earthquake. The days that followed the earthquake was devastating as we tried to help the helpless, and our hearts were filled with pity. We of ourselves had no medical experience and it was only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we could offer what little that we did do to help these people.

This experience seemed life-changing and we believe it is why He has placed our family here in Haiti.

But what does He want from us now?

We were inspired by a family we went to visit last Saturday. The father from this family has had a great compassion for the people from the mountains(Pays-Pourri). He has had some financial aid from some of you in starting a school up there. He also is helping support people in his own home. As we went to visit them, we were amazed and what little they had. They have a partially-finished house, and yet they are happy,content and glowing with the joy of the Lord. Not to mention, very giving. They are always wanting to give us something when we go to visit. In this culture, it would be an offense to refuse their gift even when we would think they should keep it for themselves.

This looks like more of a true picture of Christ-like compassion. It made us look at our own lives even more. In our American culture we tend to think the people that should give, are the ones that have been given much. The souls here face a lot of the same fears and struggles of daily life here that they do in America.

Are we willing to give up our own self and do something about the needs around us to experience a true Christ-like compassion?

 Jesus did.

"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and we're scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." Matthew 9:36-38

*We ask that you pray for us in being more effective in true compassion, and that we would be more pliable in letting Christ work in our hearts.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mothers Day in Haiti

In Haiti, Mothers Day is celebrated on the 24th of May.
Dadou, Kenslie and Jayla put on a little Mothers Day
celebration on the Friday before. They made us stay out of the
kitchen and served us some cookies, popcorn and chico's
and made quava drink. We all relaxed and enjoyed our
time of yummy eats, they sang to us and then they presented us
with little homeade boxes of candy. (forgot to get a picture of those)
We are blessed to have such loving,thoughtful daughers

Here they are, the little party planners...and little Veronica was here
to enjoy the food :)
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Weekend with the Family

On Mother's Day weekend, our family was blessed to spend a couple of days together in Jimani. Although not everything went as planned, just having time together was very refreshing. One thing we find as we live in Haiti is the lack of real family units. We run into many situations where the Father is missing or the parents just don't care where and what their children are doing. We find even in our own setting that it is hard to spend the time we need to just have time together to play and worship as a family.

Spending the day at the aquaduct is always a highlight for our children.

Here is Rylan being your typical boy trying to see how high he can climb

While the girls go off into their own little world

Our precious children

And my precious family.