Saturday, January 21, 2012

Life here as it has been...

View from Tiboutson's house (large house in center is Wismith's school/house)

Our household is busy here with having a team here from Cornerstone. It is great to see familiar faces from home as we picked the 14 of them up last Wednesday. This was Aarons first experience at driving the big truck into town, he was a little nervous to say the least. We have come to the conclusion that God has placed many angels here in Haiti. When we drive @ night (which would only be short distances) there are motos (mopeds) riding w/o lights sometimes, and even people sitting on the road! That is what your horn is for, and you use it quite often :). Today we went to the Croix-des-Bouquets Market and to the Tin Market. It was very interesting watching them make things out of tin-very beautful pieces of art! Then after eating an authentic lunch from a place here in town we headed up to see Wismith and Rebecca's house/school, Tiboutsons house and Mike and Joanna's new house. Mike and Joanna were the administrators before we came, now he oversees the hospital and work projects.
We have felt continued prayers and ask that you please continue:
*For good health and discernment for the staff
*For our family as we learn how to work as a family unit, here in Haiti.
*That we can learn the language quickly. 
"Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret."
1 Cor. 14:13

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Goodbye for now

WE HAVE BEEN SO BLESSED! Everything went so smooth on our flying day. Kurts and our family were all to the airport very early with lots of time to spare, imagine that:).
We were glad to see Shea at the airport to help us with our bags as it is always hectic...get your visas, find your bags and then haggle with the Haitians as to who will take your bags and then they make sure you pay them enough.
We were welcomed by the staff here and Tom and Laurie were over from the D.R. to stay with us our first couple days. So good to see everybody again.
Our first day was a little overwhelming, you just pretty much jump in here and figure things out for yourself. We do have a great staff here to work with and they have all been so kind and helpful. There are many things going on here. People coming and going all the time, (Haitians and other missionaries from different missions) many projects going. Today, we lost water, electric and propane; but we are back up and running now.
We have felt your prayers as God has been helping us through many things already that are beyond our normal abilities. The children have also been doing well and enjoying making new friends.
Please continue to pray for us as we continue thru the new adjustments and as we try to learn the language.
2 Thes. 3:1 "Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you."
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ready to go!

Wow! All packed up and ready to go after a hectic couple of weeks. Heading to our destination...home? It is a different feeling right now. Where is our home? Maybe this is the best spot for us to makes us long for our heavenly home. Where are we all headed? Where will you spend eternity?