Saturday, February 1, 2014

Redeemed Computer Class

The last month of our stay in Haiti was probably my most fulfilling. Redeemed Vocational School had its first class in basic computer operation. We taught three weeks on using Windows 7 and two weeks on Microsoft Word and one week preparing and giving an exam.

I had asked for a class of 10 students, but ended up with 17 eager learners.

We were blessed to have funds donated to purchase 10 modern laptop computers.

Wismith studies before each class to present a devotion to challenge the students in their faith.

The day of the exam, the students put in some last minute cram sessions.

The exam was made up of both a written portion....

and a practical hands on portion.

Most of the students past with flying colors. 

The last day, we had a party to celebrate all the hard work our students put in. Here we presented the scores to everyone that participated in the class.

The students presented Wendy and me with a handmade wooden globe to show their appreciation.

Please join us in praying for Wismith's vision of equipping the youth of Fond Parisien with both vocational and spiritual aptitudes that will help them have a prosperous future.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blind Richard

There is a young man that attends our church in Fond Parisien  that is blind. He lives in a mud hut and only survives by begging. He had asked me about a year ago about his need for a toilet close to his house. Because of some generous donations and Kurt and Annette's desire to come help with a project in Haiti, we were able to build a new outhouse next to Richard's house.

Blind Richard's house.

We hired a local man to dig a 15 ft deep pit and make all the blocks and pour the floor. Dachelet is a man we learned to know after he brought his wife off the mountains with a complicated pregnancy in which the baby died. Because of his wife's health condition, they could not return to the mountains.By hiring him, we could help him provide for his family as well. We have learned it is always better to give work rather than hand outs.

The rock and sand had to be sifted by hand to make the mortar for the blocks.

The boys then mixed the mortar by hand using shovels and hoes. 

The mortar is then brought to the block layers one shovel at a time.

Even the young boys helped by cleaning the homemade blocks...

and filling in the joints with mortar.

Here is Richard with his new outdoor toilette. Thank you Kurt and sons for blessing one of God's special children.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The testimony of a life that lives forever

Several days ago our family, Rod Sprenkels and Levi Kauffman went up to Soliette to see the spot of the accident and to visit Pat and Cheryls house. Wow! as we walked up to their house it seemed so different to not see Pat standing at the edge of the garden and Cheryl there in the doorway. But what was exciting was to see the garden and how it was still growing. Thinking back to the time when Pat would describe all about his plants and their purposes.

For the christian these pictures of the sunflowers in their garden made me think of this verse in Isaiah: "the grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand forever."


I love this picture of Pats tomato tag, he is now forever in his "Homestead". In Gods garden......

I just had to cut the flower that was just ready to bloom (I hope this wasn't out of place). It was so beautiful and lasted for a week! It was such a reminder to pray for Cheryl and that the testimony of Pats life and what he did for his Saviour will live on in the hearts of many. His testimony will last forever. 
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Thursday, December 5, 2013

By God's design



As we all went about our day yesterday, none of knew what was about to happen. Only God did. 
When Aaron first got the call from Mike Martin saying, "Pat has been in a very bad accident, send somebody up with the ambulance right away! " we knew this was serious. Aaron told all of us here to gather around and we needed to have prayer. Staff and Haitian employees, together we all shared in prayer time. Creole tongue and English, none of us knowing any details yet. Soon after that Aaron got a call from Matt, saying he had just met the pick truck coming down with his body and he confirmed that he was dead. Mike was on up ahead and he said he would go and find Cheryl and tell her. 

Those of us here at the mission waited for his body to arrive and for Cheryl. Several fellow missionaries came and also Phil and Beth Hollinger (Cheryl's first cousin), everyone pitched in and did what they could. Mike brought Cheryl down on his four-wheeler after telling her the news and then she gathered a few of the things she needed. As Cheryl arrived, she said she could already feel the prayers on her way down the mountain. We all could feel your prayers. We all had never really went through anything like this. What were we supposed to do with his body and get it to the States? This is where the body of Christ stepped in and everybody worked together. Simeon Shankster took care of making all the phone calls to connect to the right people. Many Haitians came just to see the "blah" (a white person) that had died. They never had seen us go through something like this, many stood around the outside of the house just to watch. Even our thief from a year and a half ago, wanted to come in and see. What do the missionaries do when death comes knocking at their door? 

Well many here know of the testimony of the life of our dear brother. We witnessed his full life purpose here: to spread the gospel, to teach and to minister to the hungry. He had devoted his life to do the work of an evangelist, giving up the things that were part of the carnal to something eternal. Aaron and I and our family have been richly blessed in sharing in their vision here. Pat and Cheryl have given us great encouragement many times and we will miss being here in Haiti together. 

And for all the family and friends out there mourning, we feel your pain, we love you and will continue holding you up in prayer. Lets pray together for the harvest of souls out of this tragedy. As many seeds have already been sown from our dear brother in Christ.

(Here is Pat leading the biblestudy
on Mark 3 at our missions biblestudy).                          Pats garden in Soliette
And as many of us may question the whys and what ifs of this whole thing. We know one thing for sure, this is the day God had chosen to bring his child home. It was all by His design will. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dis Kòmandman Yo

French version of the Ten Commandments we seen in a park in Saint Marc, Haiti

God is like any other parent. He wants to do good things for his children. Like earthly parents, His love towards his children isn’t earned. We can’t work hard and get God to love us, He just loves us anyway. We can try our best, but we will still fail, and He loves us anyway.
In His love for us, God set down some rules that we need to follow. What good parent doesn’t give their children rules to follow. Those rules that God gave his children are called the Ten Commandments. When we live inside these rules, we will be truly blessed, when we live outside of these rules, we will suffer consequences.
These rules are paraphrased from Exodus 20:
1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image…
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother…
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet…
Wow, what a lot of rules. Really, they are not that hard to follow. When Jesus came to this earth, he summed it up in two simple commands, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. And with his illustration of the Good Samaritan, our neighbor is anyone we meet.
My challenge to myself is how I am responding to the unearned love that God is giving to me. Am I still living for myself or am I being obedient to His commands and reflecting the love that God has towards me to every person that I come in contact with.   

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Visit with our Compassion-sponsored child

After sponsoring Rose Esther for 3 years, we were blessed to get to go and see her while we are living in Haiti. She lives about 3 hours from where we live in a beautiful area of Haiti, close to St. Marc.

We first went to her school where the school director and Compassion host met us and took us to meet her. They had her class all greet us and then she stood up and came over to meet us, as she was planning to spend the day with us. (She looked shy here, but she was very excited and really warmed up to us fast since we could speak her language).
We first went to her home where she lives with her father and grandmother. We had brought some gifts for her and here she is trying out her new jump rope. Our girls were glad to help her. :)

After visiting her home we took her and her Dad with the director and host into town to eat lunch at a resturaunt. Above is a picture of some men working in the rice field, along the road they had rice drying out on big sheets. Didnt get a picture of that.
 And yes, rice is brown when harvested. :)

We went to a Haitian fast food restaurant, although there is no such thing as FAST in Haiti. :)

After lunch we came back to their home and they expressed great appreciation and blessed us for everything. We had a time of prayer with them and were all sad to have to part.  

This was a very special day for our family! Our connection with Rose Esther will be deeper than the letters we had sent back and forth, after getting to know her sweet personality, her family and more about her life. We feel blessed to have had this privilege and this also made us realize the how blessed we really are to be able to live in Haiti!   
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Friday, October 11, 2013

A look at the lighter note here @ IFM.

Sometimes, things slow down a little here and we all step back and take a little time to refresh and connect.

Aaron and I got to get-away for our anniversary for a night in the DR. So beautiful, refreshing, relaxing!
Our kids enjoyed their stay at Tom and Laurie Mohlers. Laurie helped the girls sew some fun things and Rylan got to go to do some special things with Tom. 

Here, Levi (our newest staff guy) and Austin are ready to leave with a couple haitian boys for an experience-packed time. What a special opportunity for these guys!

We had a going-away party for our dear Hannah with all the IFM ladies. A special time together, but we were sad to see her go.

Tiboutson and Reynald are attaching stairs off our porch to go to our roof. Yes, we have a concrete flat roof that is now turned into a patio! (will show photos on this later)

Mike did a great job with designing the whole thing and we were thankful for all the helpful hands when it was time to lift and line it all up.

Dad and Mom Lavy came to visit this past month. They wanted to see more of Haiti and pamper us a little.  

We got to go visit Clint and Brendas new home and enjoy a yummy brunch together!

After that we headed to Jacmel to the beach. 

Reynald and Rylan sit and talk together by the beach, would of been interesting to hear all their Creole conversation. :)

While here 2 energetic girls jump to capture the best shots.

We enjoyed some of the best fish here. It is seasoned perfectly and served with fried plantains and a spicy salad.

Look at this cute couple! We got to take Aarons Dad up to Pat and Cheryls house and see all the beautiful country there.

Another day we got to go to Hinche to do some fabric shopping and afterwards headed over to see this beautiful waterfall, "Bassin Zinm".
Rylan stands by his haitian friend that came along. Louidi had never been here before and enjoyed taking lots of photos of that day.

Kenslie and Jayla got to bring their friend Dadou.

Haiti is a beautiful place and it it nice to get out to see and visit these neat spots! We all need to be blessed with a little refreshing from time to time. Thanks for praying...... we ask you to continue to pray that our ministry here be effective in our last three months here.